Welcome! Thanks so much for stopping by!
You have just taken the first step in becoming a more healthful version of you!


Are you:

Experiencing difficulties choosing unhealthy foods when stressed?

Needing clarification on conflicting nutrition advice?

Facing challenges in shedding those last stubborn 10 pounds?

Not recognizing the person you see in the mirror anymore?

Prioritizing others' needs over your own?

Are you now prepared:

To discover how to tailor your eating habits to suit YOUR body (and no one else's)

To gain a sense of empowerment and confidence in your nutritional choices

To put an end to your weight-related struggles?

Hello, I'm Christina, and I can relate! I understand what it's like not to trust yourself when it comes to food, struggling to make the right choices amidst the constant barrage of conflicting weight loss information. I recognize that setting healthy boundaries with food might seem elusive and unfamiliar, even though it's an act of self-love. I've been through the rigmarole of trying "everything" and exhausting myself while seeing no change in my weight.

My passion is helping women live the lives they truly desire. Having had my share of food codependency and weak boundaries around food, I understand firsthand the challenges of navigating the seemingly never-ending barrage of diet info. I know this because I've successfully gotten to the other side of it and want to guide you on your journey.

Picture a life in which you trust your instincts around food, where weight fluctuations become a thing of the past. Envision a life where you love yourself unconditionally, experiencing inner peace, joy, and freedom. Envision a life where you are empowered, confident, and fulfilled. This life can be yours!

I blend nutritional therapy, health and wellness coaching, mindset techniques, and Holy Fire ReikiĀ® to help you build a healthy, purposeful existence where you are Restored back to YOU.

Contact me for a complimentary 30-minute clarity call to discuss your health concerns/goals and share how I can help!